Thursday, September 03, 2009

Rough Start

So it's Thursday of the first week of school. And what a week it's been. What a two/three weeks it's been. The last two weeks I spend in California were spent running around trying to buy anything I'd need out here, trying to tie up all the loose ends. I was usually working at the nursing home from 6:30a to 3:00p and then running over to Kiersten's for the evening so we could complete all the things we'd planned for the summer. The last three days I was home I had a schedule up to the minute I got in bed. It was crazy.
I, being (as I always will) Morgan LaRee Anderson, waited until midnight Tuesday night to pack my room. We were leaving Wednesday at 6:00a. I'd already packed up several boxes and sent them ahead with my aunt and it didn't look like I had much left. I did. And I slept for a half hour that night.
I got into Provo Wednesday evening and walked into the apt I will be living in for the next year. Cailey and her family were running all over trying to fix up this and that because their previous renters had moved out late and left a lot broken and dirty. We carried all my stuff up, got to work moving in, and helped the Gallachers with a few things. My parents went to their hotel and Cailey and I decided to paint the kitchen with the assistance of her friend Stephen. It was soon 2:00, painting was done, and we both decided we were in the mood to get to work on our rooms. At 4:00 I decided I was too tired to continue and went to bed. I woke up a few hours later to shop for the apartment with my parents before they headed home. That night, Cailey and I stayed up until 4:00 again. And the next few nights were around 2:00, 1:00.
So I started school with.. not much sleep. Classes have been fine so far. And work.. didn't come back as easily or quickly as I'd hoped. But, life is good and I'm happy. Nevertheless, Three-day-weekend, I welcome you!!

1 comment:

Briana said...

I love 3 day weekends! They rock!