Saturday, December 31, 2011


wisdom teeth removal= excuse to: wear the same pair of sweats five days in a row (yes, I have), wear no makeup for five days in a row, not do my hair for five days in a row, read a book all day, and not clean my temp room that has somehow gotten very messy.
Either I've reverted to my natural desires (most likely), or this is me acting without the previously-possessed wisdom contained in my wisdom teeth (my excuse).

Thursday, December 15, 2011

oh, you know, just..

Here's a fact: When walking by someone, I prefer the usual, boring "Hey, how's it going?" "Good" "Good" "You?" "Good" "Good." Not because I don't care how people are or because I like to use template phrases for all of my conversations, but because when people ask "What's up?" I freeze.

This is what I look like on the inside,

and this is what I'm sure I look like on the outside (deer in the headlights, get it..)

I have no idea what to say. I feel like a socially awkward weirdo. Do I say, "oh, nothing really." Or, "oh, you know, just studying.. (obviously, I'm sitting in the library reading a textbook)," or give a real response to their question, "oh just headed home to eat some lunch and change out of my wet boots from that big puddle back there before I have to go to work... oh, now you're really far away and I'm talking to myself.. oh, hi there.." Or is there something else I should say? Is is sad that I don't know this? How do normal people respond? Probably not the same as I do, which tends to be, "oh, just mmggbll nmnmgllnmg shshshofndnmv....."

From today on, I will ask not-socially-awkward individuals unlike myself, "What's up" rather than "how's it going" to see how they respond and how I should in like turn. So be flattered if that is my next greeting to you.